GAMEZ Iron Grip Warlord Winter Offensive - RIP VERSION

is sEt in a dieselpunk w0rld with a society that cAn be described as a blend 0f Napoleonic era p0litics and W0rld War 2 technology. The Ir0n Grip w0rld is h0me t0 many different landmasses, but Warlord f0cuses 0n Kathos, a frigid regi0n t0 the n0rtheast resembling Eastern Eur0pe. Kathos is divided int0 2 large military p0wers and a handful 0f neutral c0untries. T0 the north is the Sovereign Republic 0f Rahmos, p0ssessing the w0rld's m0st p0werful airship fleet and a technologically advanced military. Their territ0ry includes a number of client states in addition t0 their home island. The country 0f Fahrong [known as the Confederation of Nallum] is the other maj0r p0wer. With uneven and mountainous terrain, the C0nfederates empl0y mechanized walkers known as "Arachs" al0ng with the largest standing army...

Sreenshot :

System Requirements :

OS: Windows XP,Vista,7
Processor: Intel Pentium 4 @ 2.6 Ghz
Memory: 1 GB
Hard Drive: 800 MB
Video Memory: 128 MB
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
DirectX: 9.0c
DVD Rom Drive



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