The Saboteur & DLC Repack Version

ThE game's protag0nist, SEan Devlin [based on William Grover-Williams], is a hard drinking Irish racEcar mechanic,a regular among the racing gr0ups 0f Paris. After being cheated out of a win in the 1940 Saarbrücken Grand Prix by Kurt Dierker, a Nazi colonel, Sean and his best friend Jules Rousseau seek revenge and sab0tage his prized racecar. After being captured, Dierker executes Jules during interrogation under the belief they are really British agEnts sent to spy on him, but Sean escapes. The rest of the st0ryline chronicles Sean's fight t0 kill Dierker. He is recruited by the French Resistance, its leader Luc, and British S0E, who help him throughout the story. The story takes place during World War II and the GermAn 0ccupation of France, but the war itself is used as a backdrop t0 the main story, which is ab0ut Sean's fight to avenge Jules' murder, protect Jules' sister Veronique, and kill DierkEr.

Sreenshot :

Recommended System Requirements :

OS: Windows Vista,7,8
Processor: Quad Core running @ 2.8 GHz or equivalent
Memory: 2 GB [Windows XP] 0r 3 GB [Windows Vista/7]
Video Memory: 512 MB [NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT]
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
DirectX: 9.0c or 10
Hard Drive: 7 GB
DVD Rom Drive


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