GAMEZ Penumbra Black Plague - RIP VERSION

ThE GAMEZ begins with Philip waking up in a l0cked r00m, after being kn0cked 0ut by an unseen being at the End 0f the first GAMEZ. Philip manages t0 escape via a nearby air-vent, and finds himself in the undergr0und research facility 0f the Archaic Elevated Caste, a secret 0rganizati0n dedicated t0 disc0vering and researching ancient knowledge. The bAse is abandoned and in ruins, with all its pers0nnel either dead 0r transformed into 'the Infected', z0mbie-like creatures thAt attack Philip when they n0tice him. He s00n discovers that he has als0 been infected; however, his reaction t0 the virus is extremely abnormal; instead 0f j0ining the infected hive-mind, he is taken 0ver by the mind 0f 1 0f the infected, the sarcastic and malevolent Clarence [after the film character] wh0 c0nstantly taunts Philip thr0ughout the c0urse 0f the GAMEZ...

Sreenshot :

System Requirements :

OS: Windows XP,Vista,7
Processor: Intel Pentium 4 @ 2.6 Ghz
Memory: 1 GB
Hard Drive: 1.2 GB
Video Memory: 128 MB
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
DirectX: 9.0c
DVD Rom Drive


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