GAMEZ SpellForce 2 Shadow Wars - FULL VERSION

AS the avatar returns t0 the Shaikan f0rtress, he|she finds that small gr0ups 0f dark elves have already started attAcking. In a desperate attempt t0 save th0se caught 0ff guard, the Shaikan enlists the help 0f the humans at a nearby 0utpost. After buying his|her pe0ple a chance to retreat, the Shaikan's patron Ur sends the avatAr 0ff t0 warn and unite the forces of light, the humans, dwarves and elves to battle with the hElp 0f a dark elf heroine, Nights0ng. The Avatar travels t0 N0rimar who's leader is Bar0n 0rdbragndt to convince him t0 help the Shaikan, however he does n0t feel he is threatened but decides to help when news arrives that the dark elves are attacking. The Avatar presses thr0ugh the advancing elves and sounds the H0rn 0f N0rimar a device fashioned by the dwarves which causes the pass to c0llapse and block the Dark elf advance. The Avatar returns to the Bar0n and then leaves for Sevenkeeps sealing the vault 0f the undead and passing through rushwater d0wns to deliver supplies and free them from a siege by the f0rces 0f the clans. H0wever up0n arriving at sevenkeeps King Ulf arrogantly states that the dark elves are not a threat and gives the avatar the westguard a nEglected piece 0f land that n0 1 has found useful, the avatar and nightsong are angry that Falmar backs up the king by decidinG that since king Ulf won't help them they will acquire the help 0f the Dwarves 0f Underhall and the Elves of Dun M0ra...

Sreenshot :

System Requirements :

OS: Windows XP,Vista,7
Processor: Intel Pentium 4 @ 2.8 Ghz
Memory: 1 GB
Hard Drive: 5 GB free
Video Memory: 256 MB  [compatible with Geforce 6600 GT or better]
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
DirectX: 9.0c
DVD Rom Drive

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