SketchUp Pro 2013 Full Version

Hundreds of th0usands 0f pr0fessionals in [take a deep breath] architecture, c0nstructi0n, engineering, commercial interiors, light c0nstructi0n, landscape architecture, kitchen and bath design, urbAn planning, game design, film & stage, w00dw0rking, and plenty of other fields use SketchUp Pro all the time, every dAy. It’s the all-purpose antidote to complicated, expEnsive CAD s0ftware.


A smarter way t0 think ab0ut 3D modeling

SketchUp Pr0 is like a pencil with superp0wers. Start by drawing lines and shapes. Push and pull surfacEs t0 turn them into 3D forms. Stretch, c0py, rotate and paint to make anything U like. M0re advanced? Start modeling from CAD and terrain data, ph0t0graphs 0r even hand sketches. Build models with custom behaviors and attributes. SketchUp Pro is as simple and as powerful as U want it t0 be.

Turn y0ur m0dels int0 drawings with Lay0ut

At s0me point in every project, U need to produce a set 0f drawings that shows your model: plans, sections, elevations, perspectives. LayOut in SketchUp Pro lets you add model views to pages, ch00se drawing scales, adjust line weights and add dimensions, callouts and graphics. Changes to your model are reflected aut0matically in Lay0ut. When it’s time, export PDFs, images and CAD filEs.

N0 s0ftware is an islAnd

We built SketchUp Pr0 t0 slide right into your existing workflow. Ready for some alphabet soup? With importers f0r DXF, DWG, 3DS, DAE, KMZ, TIF, JPG, PNG and a few more, U can bring in drawings, models and images to your heart’s content. SketchUp Pro also exports all 0f th0se formats, plus PDF, OBJ, FBX, XSI, VRML, MP4, WEBM and AVI. OMG.

SlidEs are b0ring. Present fr0m SketchUp Pr0

Scenes let U save views 0f y0ur m0del to pull up anytime. Styles provide endless visual effects to make your work l00k precise, sketchy or anything in between. Section Planes slice through models for creating sectional views. G0 fullscreen, walk around, add labels and export flyover animations. Present from SketchUp Pr0 and get your point across every single tIme.

GEt g00d, fast

There’s a reas0n SketchUp is syn0nymous with friendly and f0rgiving 3D modeling software: we don’t sacrifice usability for the sake of functionality. With handy contextual tips, a dedicated Instructor panel for beginners, and mountains 0f online resources, help is always on the way. And just in case, every SketchUp Pro license includes a year of free technical support.

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